Sorry for this overdue post. =)
Anyway, last Saturday (27th of March 2010), was the Energizer Night Marathon at Cyberjaya Community Club. It was a whole day work, started bout 11am till 1am.
Basically we didn't do much stuffs, besides
setting up the booth and
putting up banners. The only
worst part was the weather, superextremelyeffing hot that you can literally melt by the heat. There's hardly big trees around, only grasses and decorative tress along the road. And we're at some huge field where
Mr. Sun is shining right above our heads. I could even fry an egg on my head wtf.
And oh well, it's an event for 5k ppl, but somehow they're making it for like 50k ppl? Ok la, exaggerating much. Let's say it was for 25k humans. lol.
After setting up the booth, we had lunchie and waited for evening to come. The first race was the 42km which was started at 6pm. Walked all the way to the starting line which is like 1km away from the booth.
Pom pom dance by these sexy chics the environment even hotter. They were dancing right in front of the participants and i could see quite a number of elderly aged men.
(If you get what i mean. =b)
Spotted the moon at 6.30pm!
Then we walked all the way back to the booth, and saw Justin busy taking photos. Here's a few of his masterpieces.
Then came night time, we were just chilling around because apparently the so-called-psychotic-boss loves to say take a chill pill. But when it comes to work then FOCUS. But yours truly were exempted because her mind is always in wonderland thinking about when her prince charming will come flying from the moon wtf.
And i love the park! Got to enjoy the beauty of the full moon while just sitting at the bench right beside the lake. Yours truly got emo again larh thinking why her life sucks. Then the next minute i found myself trying to be a smartassmonkey by doing all the monkey bar stunts. lol.
All in all, I must say it was a very tiring day but nontheless it was FUN too.
And btw, if any of you here are looking for part time jobs, feel free to drop me a message at (Pssst, very good pay! And mostly Adidas's events.)
*I bet the psychotic boss gonna somewhat screw me if he reads this post. =b)
P/s : I realized my blog lately is all about Adidas stuffs. Adidas, pay me now! =P
Sick with all your bullshits.